Independent dealers and garages list

As of 30th March 2025 the UK has 32710 independent dealers and garages across the UK

Choose a postcode area, get meaningful insights

Explore from a list of 32710 independent dealers and garages covering the UK. JS Management data is trusted by motor manufacturers, network planning specialists and industry data analysts. We use a proprietary scoring system tracking and validating independent garage listings across more than 18 different data sets.

Repair garages and used car sites are segmented by postcode area and their respective dealer classification: used cars, service maintenance and repair, and dealers that perform both operations on the same site.

For independent garage data we've made it easy to see where opportunity exists geographically. Simply choose and purchase your required postcode areas.

Independent garage services
Independent dealerships
Location of 32710 independent sites across the UK

Independent Sites

32710 by site type

32710 Independent dealer sites across the UK









Used + SMR

Select a postcode areas from across the UK to view independent dealers

Aberdeen St Albans Birmingham Bath Blackburn Bradford Bournemouth Bolton Brighton Bromley Bristol Belfast Carlisle Cambridge Cardiff Chester Chelmsford Colchester Croydon Canterbury Coventry Crewe Dartford Dundee Derby Dumfries Durham Darlington Doncaster Dorchester Dudley East London East Central London Edinburgh Enfield Exeter Falkirk Blackpool Glasgow Gloucester Guildford Harrow Huddersfield Harrogate Hemel Hempstead Hereford Hebrides Hull Halifax Ilford Ipswich Inverness Kilmarnock Kingston upon Thames Kirkwall Kirkcaldy Liverpool Lancaster Llandrindod Wells Leicester Llandudno Lincoln Leeds Luton Manchester Medway Milton Keynes Motherwell North London Newcastle upon Tyne Nottingham Northampton Newport Norwich North West London Oldham Oxford Paisley Peterborough Perth Plymouth Portsmouth Preston Reading Redhill Romford Sheffield Swansea South East London Stevenage Stockport Slough Sutton Swindon Southampton Salisbury Sunderland Southend-on-Sea Stoke-on-Trent South West London Shrewsbury Taunton Galashiels Telford Tunbridge Wells Torquay Truro Teesside Twickenham Southall West London Warrington West Central London Watford Wakefield Wigan Worcester Walsall Wolverhampton York Lerwick